
Why Paediatric Care Is Important for Your Child?

  • Specialized Expertise :
  • Paediatric dentists at places like KKeswani Dental & Polyclinic offer specialized knowledge tailored to children's unique dental needs, ensuring comprehensive care.

  • Early Intervention for Lifelong Benefits :
  • Early dental visits, recommended around age one, allow for the timely detection and resolution of potential dental issues, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of good oral health.

  • Establishing Healthy Habits :
  • Paediatric care focuses on instilling healthy oral hygiene habits from a young age, fostering a positive attitude towards dental care in children.

  • Monitoring Growth and Development :
  • Regular check-ups with paediatric dentists monitor the growth of children's teeth and jaws, identifying anomalies early and preventing future complications.

  • Preventing Dental Anxiety :
  • Child-friendly environments and skilled paediatric dentists, like those at KKeswani Dental & Polyclinic, reduce dental anxiety, creating a foundation of trust for children's future dental visits.

Tips from the Best Child Dental Care Centre in Ahmedabad

  • Brush Twice Daily with Fluoride Toothpaste :
  • Establish a routine of brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, recommended by experts at KKeswani Dental & Polyclinic, to strengthen enamel and prevent cavities.

  • Avoid Sugary Candies, Chocolates, and Acidic Drinks :
  • Limit the consumption of sugary snacks and drinks, opting for healthier alternatives like fruits and vegetables, as advised by experts at KKeswani Dental & Polyclinic.

  • Initiate Early Dental Visits :
  • Begin early dental visits at child-friendly centres like KKeswani Dental & Polyclinic for preventive care, monitoring dental development, and positive dental experiences.

  • Choose a paediatric Dentist :
  • opt for a paediatric dentist, ensuring specialized care tailored to children's needs, with environments designed for their comfort and positive experiences.

  • Promote Proper Oral Hygiene at Home :
  • Parents play a vital role by encouraging proper brushing and flossing, supervising their children's oral care, and making it a family affair for a collective commitment to oral health.


In Ahmedabad, KKeswani Dental & Polyclinic stands as a beacon of specialized paediatric care. By understanding the importance of early intervention and incorporating tips from this renowned centre, parents can nurture the foundation of bright, healthy smiles for their little ones.

Same Day Appointments

Need to see a doctor today? We offer same day appointments for new and existing patients. Our experienced and highly qualified doctors are here to help you with any urgent medical needs. To book an appointment, simply call us at +91-9909644344, +91-02717411500 or email us at ""